Nine Francois Bio — Julie Nester Gallery


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nine francois

NINE FRANCOIS produces close-up photographs of animals which are presented against a stark white background.  The artist shoots up close – very close – with a wide angle lens, and frequently from below to get unusual perspectives.  In describing this Francois says, “By isolating the subject against a nearly-bare background, and presenting these animals out of context, the innate power and beauty of their form becomes the subject of the photograph. In this way, these images can become iconic and transcendent.  At the same time, photographing from such close proximity also brings particularity and individuality to the animal, especially if the animal makes eye contact with the viewer. At this point, the animal goes beyond being a removed, iconic presence and becomes a palpable unique spirit as individualistic and valuable as any human counterpart. For me, it is important that both aspects of the creature be accessible to the viewer in my photographs as I feel that animals play a critical double role as inspiring archetype and sacred friend.”  


| 1280 Iron Horse Dr, Park City UT, 84060 | 435.649.7855 |